Rosen Daskalov, CEO of SIN CARS and Vladimir Iliev, sports manager, stated their intention to create a Bulgarian team to participate in the European GT4 series , on press release conference in Press Club Bulgaria on 15.01. 2015.
SIN R1GT4 – vehicle specially invented for this championship is ready for its participation in the competition.
The vehicle was presented from 8 to 11 January this year in Birmingham at 25-th Anniversary of Autosport International. It appears as a kind of integrating event for suppliers, engineers and manufacturers in the world of motorsport, where all innovation in the world of motorsports are presented on the impressive 305 thousand square miles.
Companies participating make gaining estimated at £ 9 billion in sales and 41,000 workplaces in around 4300 companies.
17 countries took part in show, as the US presented 17 leading companies in the field, thirteen / 13 / were the representatives of Italy and eleven / 11 / from France and Germany. There were also exhibitors from Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and Taiwan.
Around 17% of the 700 exhibitors were from outside the UK. There were 28 000 visitors from 63 different countries.
SIN CARS participated for the third time in this great exhibition on 110 square meters stand in the central part of the exhibition. There were presented three versions of the vehicle – GT4, which will participate in European series and the new road vehicle.
“Our vehicles were very well accepted in England and provoked huge interest. Our stand was visited by Petter Solberg and Allan McNish, who gave very good feedback on our work, for both the design of the car, and for his technical characteristics.
Furthermore, we made great impression and earned the trust of leading companies in the field of motor sports. We signed contract for collaboration in the development of our vehicles with “Michelin.
Henceforth they will participate in all presentations and performances and will be present as logo on our clothes. Our fans in England will have a close look at our participation in the races and development of the car.” said Rosen Daskalov.
There was great interest on GT4 from England. GT4 in English championship is included in British GT Championship. The race is extremely popular and all places for the year are already sold in advance.
Many Bulgarian pilots participate and compete for foreign teams, but as Vlado Iliev said, his dream is for professional Bulgarian team. This is what unifies him and Rosen Daskalov.
“I must say that with the help of Mr.Vlado iliev we plan to present the vehicle, designed and manufactured in Bulgaria with Bulgarian team of pilots, mechanics and managers, who will be selected by contest, so we will have the best team. We have an arrangement with the leadership of the European GT 4 series in which we intend to participate with Bulgarian team in 2015.” said Rosen Daskalov
There will be carried tests for pilots of the new Bulgarian team for GT4 European series and contest for team manager and mechanic.
Test pilots competitions will take place on the track of Serres, Greece, the closest track to Bulgaria, on 26 and 27 January.
Anyone who wants to show their qualities and can provide funding for its participation can have more information and sign up on the site or e-mail [email protected].
Around 10 people – representatives of motorsport and karting have applied for tests so far. Every pilot or mechanic – young or more experienced who has applied for the tests will be rated according to personal abilities and qualities. The team will be professionally organized, as all modern teams.
Rosen Daskalov, CEO of SIN CARS and Vladimir Iliev, sports manager, stated their intention to create a Bulgarian team to participate in the European GT series 4, on press release conference in Press Club Bulgaria on 15.01. 2015.
SIN R1GT4 – vehicle specially invented for this championship is ready for its participation in the competition.
The vehicle was presented from 8 to 11 January this year in Birmingham at 25-th Anniversary of Autosport International. It appears as a kind of integrating event for suppliers, engineers and manufacturers in the world of motorsport, where all innovation in the world of motorsports are presented on the impressive 305 thousand square miles.
Companies participating make gaining estimated at £ 9 billion in sales and 41,000 workplaces in around 4300 companies.
17 countries took part in show, as the US presented 17 leading companies in the field, thirteen / 13 / were the representatives of Italy and eleven / 11 / from France and Germany. There were also exhibitors from Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and Taiwan.
Around 17% of the 700 exhibitors were from outside the UK. There were 28 000 visitors from 63 different countries.
SIN CARS participated for the third time in this great exhibition on 110 square meters stand in the central part of the exhibition. There were presented three versions of the vehicle – GT4, which will participate in European series and the new road vehicle.
“Our vehicles were very well accepted in England and provoked huge interest. Our stand was visited by Petter Solberg and Allan McNish, who gave very good feedback on our work, for both the design of the car, and for his technical characteristics.
Furthermore, we made great impression and earned the trust of leading companies in the field of motor sports. We signed contract for collaboration in the development of our vehicles with “Michelin.
Henceforth they will participate in all presentations and performances and will be present as logo on our clothes. Our fans in England will have a close look at our participation in the races and development of the car.” said Rosen Daskalov.
There was great interest on GT4 from England. GT4 in English championship is included in British GT Championship. The race is extremely popular and all places for the year are already sold in advance.
Many Bulgarian pilots participate and compete for foreign teams, but as Vlado Iliev said, his dream is for professional Bulgarian team. This is what unifies him and Rosen Daskalov.
“I must say that with the help of Mr.Vlado iliev we plan to present the vehicle, designed and manufactured in Bulgaria with Bulgarian team of pilots, mechanics and managers, who will be selected by contest, so we will have the best team. We have an arrangement with the leadership of the European GT 4 series in which we intend to participate with Bulgarian team in 2015.” said Rosen Daskalov
There will be carried tests for pilots of the new Bulgarian team for GT4 European series and contest for team manager and mechanic.
Test pilots competitions will take place on the track of Serres, Greece, the closest track to Bulgaria, on 26 and 27 January.
Anyone who wants to show their qualities and can provide funding for its participation can have more information and sign up on the site or e-mail [email protected].
Around 10 people – representatives of motorsport and karting have applied for tests so far. Every pilot or mechanic – young or more experienced who has applied for the tests will be rated according to personal abilities and qualities. The team will be professionally organized, as all modern teams.
На пресконференцията, която се проведе в Прес клуб България, на 15.01.2015, Росен Дакалов, СЕО на SIN CARS и Владимир Илиев, спортен мениджър, заявиха своето намерение за създаване на български отбор, който да участва на Европейските GT 4 серии.
SIN R1 GT, подготвен специално за този шампионат беше представен от 8 до 11 януари тази година в Бирмингам на 25 – то издание на Autosport International. Изложението е на площ около 305 хил. квадратни метра, то се явява като един своеобразен обединител на доставчици, инженери и производители в света на моторните спортове.
Фирмите, участнички реализират огромни обороти, които се оценяват на 9 милиарда паунда в продажбите, 41 000 работни места в около 4 300 фирми.
Общо 17 страни се представиха на шоуто, като от САЩ се представиха 17 водещи в областта фирми, тринадесет /13/ бяха представителите на Италия, по единадесет /11/ от Франция и Германия. Отвъд Европа се представиха изложители от Австралия, Хонг Конг, Малайзия, Нова Зеландия и Тайван.
Приблизително 15% от 700-те изложители са базирани извън Великобритания. Гостите на изложението наброяваха над 28000 души от 63 различни страни.
SIN CARS участваха за трети път в това грандиозно изложение на щанд от 110 кв. метра, намиращ се в най-добрата част на панаира. Презентираните ни тази година автомобили наброяваха три, в три различни версии – автомобил GT 4, който ще участва в европейските серии, а също така и новият уличен автомобил.
“С гордост мога да кажа, че автомобилите ни се приеха с много голям интерес в Англия. Щандът ни беше посетен от Петер Солберг и Алан Макниш, които дадоха много добри отзиви за нашата работа, както за дизайна на автомобила, така и за техническите му характеристики. Освен това, спечелихме окончателно доверието на водещи фирми в областта на моторните спортове, като за пример ще дам „Michelin”, с които сключихме договор за съвместна работа в развитието на нашите автомобили. Отсега нататък те ще участват във всички презентации и представяния, както и ще фигурират като фирмен знак на облеклата ни. С особен интерес феновете ни в Англия следят развитието на нашия автомобил и състезанията с наше участие.” каза Росен Даскалов.
Интересът към GT4 автомобила, който беше представен на изложението беше много голям и от английска страна. GT4 в английския шампионат е включено в British GT Championship. Това състезание се следи с особено голям интерес от публиката и интересното е, че всички места за годината са вече предварително продадени.
Много български пилоти участват и се състезават за чужди отбори, но както каза Владо Илиев, неговата мечта е за професионален български отбор. Това е между него и Росен Даскалов, който заяви „Държа да отбележа, че с помощта на г-н Владо Илиев ще се борим да представим автомобила, проектиран и изработен в България с отбор от наши български участници, механици и мениджъри, които да бъдат избрани чрез конкурс, така че да подберем най-добрите екипи. Ние имаме договорка с ръководството на Европейските GT 4 серии, в които смятаме да участваме с изцяло български отбор през 2015 година.”
За тази цел ще се проведат тестовете на пилотите за новия български отбор за GT4 European series и конкурс за мениджър на отбора и механици.
Тестовете за пилоти ще се проведат на пистата в Серес, Гърция, която е най-близката писта до България на 26 и 27 януари 2015 г.
Всеки, който смята, че притежава необходимите качества и би могъл да осигури финансиране, за своето участие може да получи повече информация или да се запише за участие на сайта или на e-mail [email protected].
До този момент окло 10 души, представители на автомобилния спорт и картинга, са заявили своето желание за участие в теста.
Всеки пилот и механик – млад или с по-богат опит, кандидатствал за включване в представителния български отбор, ще се преценява според личните качества и възможности. Отборът ще бъде организиран на професионални начала, като всички съвременни отбори.