
New road-going version of the Sin R1 supercar displayed for the first time, on sale in the spring


The new road-going Sin R1 supercar has been unveiled at the Autosport International show.

Although only a hollow shell at the moment, the manufacturer says it plans to put the finished car on sale in the spring for £60,000.

The R1 has been developed as a joint collaboration between Munich-based Sin Cars GmbH and British supplier ProFormance Metals. It’s powered by a Chevrolet-sourced 6.2-litre V8 engine that produces around 450bhp. Sin says the R1 has a top speed of 186mph, and can sprint from 0-60mph in less than five seconds.

The new road-going model features 19-inch wheels, performance brake discs and a Formula 1-style FIA-approved fuel tank. Like the track-only version, which was seen at the Autosport show last year and made its dynamic debut at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, the road-going R1 features lightweight materials like carbonfibre in its construction.

In final production form it’s likely that the R1 will utilise a tubular spaceframe chassis with a carbonfibre composite structure on top. The road version of the car is 240kg heavier than its track-only sibling, at 1200kg.

The R1 will be assembled in Germany and the UK, with Sin looking to purchase a new site in this country to house a purpose-built facility and test track.

CEO Rosen Daskalov told Autocar: “We will use lessons learned from the race car to inform what we do with the road car. Our idea is not to produce something like a hypercar, we want a car that is well balanced and that will feel good on the corners and at high speeds. This can only be done using race car technology.” R1 Autosport 2014 news

The new road-going Sin R1 supercar has been unveiled at the Autosport International show.

Although only a hollow shell at the moment, the manufacturer says it plans to put the finished car on sale in the spring for £60,000.

The R1 has been developed as a joint collaboration between Munich-based Sin Cars GmbH and British supplier ProFormance Metals. It’s powered by a Chevrolet-sourced 6.2-litre V8 engine that produces around 450bhp. Sin says the R1 has a top speed of 186mph, and can sprint from 0-60mph in less than five seconds.

The new road-going model features 19-inch wheels, performance brake discs and a Formula 1-style FIA-approved fuel tank. Like the track-only version, which was seen at the Autosport show last year and made its dynamic debut at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, the road-going R1 features lightweight materials like carbonfibre in its construction.

In final production form it’s likely that the R1 will utilise a tubular spaceframe chassis with a carbonfibre composite structure on top. Sin says the road car weighs in at some 240kg heavier than its track-only sibling, at 1200kg.

The R1 will be assembled in Germany and the UK, with Sin looking to purchase a new site in this country to house a purpose-built facility and test track.

CEO Rosen Daskalov told Autocar: “We will use lessons learned from the race car to inform what we do with the road car. Our idea is not to produce something like a hypercar, we want a car that is well balanced and that will feel good on the corners and at high speeds. This can only be done using race car technology.”


Новата спортна версия на суперавтомобила SIN R1 беше представена на международното изложение Autosport.

Производителят казва, че планира автoмобилът да е готов за продажба през пролетта, въпреки че все още има много работа по автомобила.

SIN R1 е разработен в съвместно сътрудничество между базираната в Мюнхен Sin Cars GmbH и британския доставчик ProFormance metals. Автомобилът е задвижван от двигател Chevrolet 6.2-литров V8 двигател, около 450 bhp. Максималната скорост на SIN R1 е 300 км/ч  и може да ускорява от  0-100 за по-малко от пет секунди.

Гумите са 19 инча, спирачни дискове и резервоар, одобрени от ФИА. Както и състезателната версия, която беше представена на изложението Autosport  през миналата година и направи своя шеметен дебют на фестивала на скоростта в Goodwood, спортната версия също залага на леки материали като карбон в изграждането на конструкцията.

В крайната версия n на SIN R1 вероятно ще се използва тръбна конструкция на шасито с карбонови композитни елементи. Спортната версия на автомобила е с 240 килограма по-тежка от състезателната, която тежи 1200 кг.

SIN R1 ще се сглобява в Англия и Германия, като SIN CARS търси място, където да установи фабриката си и писта за тестове.

“Ние ще използваме поуките, които си извадихме от състезателния автомобил, за да знаем какво да правим със спортнат версия. Нашата идея е да не се получава нещо като хипер-кола, ние искаме една кола, която е добре балансирана и стои добре на завоите и при високи скорости. Това може да стане само с помощта на технологиите използвани за създаването на състезателни автомобили. ”  каза Росен Даскалов, CEO на SIN CARS.