Sin Cars has revealed its GT4 racer at the prestigious Autosport International in Birmingham. The motorsport firm intends to participate in the 2015 GT4 European Series with its own team and is able to build customer cars as well.
The Sin R1 GT4 sports vehicle has been designed in Bulgaria and production takes place in the United Kingdom in cooperation with Proformance Metals and Track Sport Europe. The GT4 operation will be run from Ingolstadt in Germany.
h and development have resulted in the Sin R1 GT4. “There is no other car on the market like this one,” Daskalov knows. “I was looking for the best racing car for many years. I have worked on many performance cars for the road, but
Rosen Daskalov is the General Director of Sin Cars UK and initiator of the Sin Cars project. Years of researc I was never satisfied. Either the high costs for the car and maintenance, nor the level of performance was what I’ve dreamed of.”
Daskalov believes he and his crew have found the perfect match between racing and road car development. The car shown in Birmingham weighs 1200kg and the LS3 engine provides 360hp. “Our philosophy is to build a cost effective racing car that meets the concept of the GT4 European Series,” he emphasises.
A Bulgarian team is being setup to prepare the 2015 season. “This championship became very famous and therefore we want to participate with two or four drivers,” Daskalov says. In addition he desires to help develop the Bulgarian motorsport. “Currently we are recruiting mechanics and drivers for the team. First tests and interviews are scheduled on the 26th of January at the Serres Racing Circuit in Greece. We invite all drivers and potential clients to come over and test our road and racing car.”
The R1 road car costs 60.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 79.000 euro). As Sin Cars is able to assemble GT4 customer cars, pricing starts at 70.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 92.000 euro) with basic level of equipment. The homologated car for GT4 European Series including paddle shift, traction control, MOTEC M800 / C125 and BOSCH ABS M4 Kit will cost 85.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 112.000 euro).
Full specifications is pending due official FIA homologation which the team expects to receive shortly as the Sin R1 GT4 has been purpose built to suit the GT4 rulebook.
Sin Cars has revealed its GT4 racer at the prestigious Autosport International in Birmingham. The motorsport firm intends to participate in the 2015 GT4 European Series with its own team and is able to build customer cars as well.
The Sin R1 GT4 sports vehicle has been designed in Bulgaria and production takes place in the United Kingdom in cooperation with Proformance Metals and Track Sport Europe. The GT4 operation will be run from Ingolstadt in Germany.
h and development have resulted in the Sin R1 GT4. “There is no other car on the market like this one,” Daskalov knows. “I was looking for the best racing car for many years. I have worked on many performance cars for the road, but
Rosen Daskalov is the General Director of Sin Cars UK and initiator of the Sin Cars project. Years of researc I was never satisfied. Either the high costs for the car and maintenance, nor the level of performance was what I’ve dreamed of.”
Daskalov believes he and his crew have found the perfect match between racing and road car development. The car shown in Birmingham weighs 1200kg and the LS3 engine provides 360hp. “Our philosophy is to build a cost effective racing car that meets the concept of the GT4 European Series,” he emphasises.
A Bulgarian team is being setup to prepare the 2015 season. “This championship became very famous and therefore we want to participate with two or four drivers,” Daskalov says. In addition he desires to help develop the Bulgarian motorsport. “Currently we are recruiting mechanics and drivers for the team. First tests and interviews are scheduled on the 26th of January at the Serres Racing Circuit in Greece. We invite all drivers and potential clients to come over and test our road and racing car.”
The R1 road car costs 60.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 79.000 euro). As Sin Cars is able to assemble GT4 customer cars, pricing starts at 70.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 92.000 euro) with basic level of equipment. The homologated car for GT4 European Series including paddle shift, traction control, MOTEC M800 / C125 and BOSCH ABS M4 Kit will cost 85.000 pounds excl. VAT (about 112.000 euro).
Full specifications is pending due official FIA homologation which the team expects to receive shortly as the Sin R1 GT4 has been purpose built to suit the GT4 rulebook.
SIN CARS представи SIN R1 GT4 на престижното изложение Autosport в Бирмингам. SIN CARS планира да участва в Европейските GT4 серии със свой отбор.
Състезателният автомобил SIN R1 GT4 е конструирам в България, сглобяван в Англия в сътрудничество с Proformance Metals и Track Sport Europe. Организацията по участието ще се ръководи от Инглощад, Германия.
„На пазара няма друг такъв автомобил” отбелязва Даскалов „Години наред търсех най-добрия състезателен автомобил. След години проучвания, никога не бях доволен от резултата. Не ме удовлетворяваха нито високата цена на самия автомобил и поддръжката, нито нивото на представяне. Не за това мечтаех.”
Росен Даскалов е собственик на Sin Cars UK и инициатор на проекта Sin Cars.
Той вярва, че заедно с екипа си са открили перфектната комбинация между състезателен и уличен автомобил. Автомобилът, представен в Бирмингам тежи 1200 кг и е с двигател LS3 с 360 конски сили. „Нашата философия е да създадем икономически изгоден автомобил, който отговаря на изискванията на Европейските серии GT4. “ уверява Росен.
За сезон 2015 се планира участието на български отбор в Европейските серии GT4. “Шампионатът придоби голяма популярност през последните години и ние планираме да вземем участие с двама или четирима пилоти.” Казва Даскалов.
В допълнение към това той се надява по този начин да се популяризира българския моторспорт.
„В момента набираме механици и пилоти за отбора. Първите тестове и интервюта са насрочени за 26 и 27 януари 2015 на гръцката писта Серес. Каним всички пилоти и потенциални клиенти да дойдат и да тестват уличната и състезателната версия на автомобила.”
Sin R1 струва 60 хил. паунда без ДДС (около 79 000 евро). Състезателната версия на автомобила започва от 70 000 паунда без ДДС (92.000 евро) с основно оборудване. Хомологираният автомобил за сериите GT4 включва падъл шифт, тракшън контрол MOTEC M800 / C125 и BOSCH ABS M4 с цена 85 000 паунда без ДДС (около 112.000 евро).
Пълните спецификации очакват хомологация от Фиа, която екипът очаква да получи, за да отговарят на GT4 правилника.