On 26 and 27.01 Greek track, “Serres” was host of tests for pilots’ selection for Sofia Car Motorsport team with SIN R1, which will participate in European GT4 series.
The great interest in the tests was a very pleasant surprise for the organizers.
10 pilots participated in the tests and among them were some of the most famous names in Bulgarian motorsport.
Many journalists, spectators, and enthusiasts’ motorsports in Bulgaria also attended the tests.
1. Miroslav Angelov
2. Vasil Jekov
3. Simeon Ivanov
4. Pavel Lefterov
5. Ivo Conev
6. Kalin Benchev
7. Cvetan Cekov
8. Rumen Dunev
9. Grigor Grigorov
10. Boris Borisov
First day of the tests began with short briefing and drawing lots for order to participate. Pilots tested road version of SIN R1, as every pilot made 3 laps with Vladimir Iliev. Then the pilots continued with the first stage of the test with race version of SIN R1.
Tests began with 5 exploratory laps of the track. Rosen Daskalov was in the car with every pilot to show the intricacies of the vehicle during the test.
Tests continued on the next day and were highly beneficial for organizers, pilots, and crew. Results of the test are more than positive for the organizers.
Two days of exceptionally serious load of cars in complicated weather conditions – most of the time it rained and the track was wet. Performance of the cars from a technical point of view was very good.
The pilots made a huge amount of kilometers – 250 laps, that means around 800 kilometers.
The organizers note that the test results are very important from a technical point of view and indicative of the possibilities and the condition of the cars.
The tests revealed the advantages of SIN R1 to the pilots, as the words of one of them for road version were: “This car has more grip on wet track than our racing cars on dry track.”
Sofia Car Motorsport jointly with SIN CARS got very clear picture of the ability of the pilots participating in the tests, as the results will be presented on a press conference next week, after the analysis of the tests.
As Mr.Vladimir Iliev said: “What happened these two days show that automobile sport in Bulgaria has great future and will outlive all of us.”
On 26 and 27.01 Greek track, “Serres” was host of tests for pilots’ selection for Sofia Car Motorsport team, which will participate in European GT4 series.
The great interest in the tests was a very pleasant surprise for the organizers.
10 pilots participated in the tests and among them were some of the most famous names in Bulgarian motorsport.
Many journalists, spectators, and enthusiasts’ motorsports in Bulgaria also attended the tests.
1. Miroslav Angelov
2. Vasil Jekov
3. Simeon Ivanov
4. Pavel Lefterov
5. Ivo Conev
6. Kalin Benchev
7. Cvetan Cekov
8. Rumen Dunev
9. Grigor Grigorov
10. Boris Borisov
First day of the tests began with short briefing and drawing lots for order to participate. Pilots tested road version of SIN R1, as every pilot made 3 laps with Vladimir Iliev. Then the pilots continued with the first stage of the test with race version of SIN R1.
Tests began with 5 exploratory laps of the track. Rosen Daskalov was in the car with every pilot to show the intricacies of the vehicle during the test.
Tests continued on the next day and were highly beneficial for organizers, pilots, and crew. Results of the test are more than positive for the organizers.
Two days of exceptionally serious load of cars in complicated weather conditions – most of the time it rained and the track was wet. Performance of the cars from a technical point of view was very good.
The pilots made a huge amount of kilometers – 250 laps, that means around 800 kilometers.
The organizers note that the test results are very important from a technical point of view and indicative of the possibilities and the condition of the cars.
The tests revealed the advantages of SIN R1 to the pilots, as the words of one of them for road version were: “This car has more grip on wet track than our racing cars on dry track.”
Sofia Car Motorsport jointly with SIN CARS got very clear picture of the ability of the pilots participating in the tests, as the results will be presented on a press conference next week, after the analysis of the tests.
As Mr.Vladimir Iliev said: “What happened these two days show that automobile sport in Bulgaria has great future and will outlive all of us.”
На 26 и 27.01 на писта „Серес” в Гърция се проведоха тестове за подбор на пилоти за отбора на София Кар Моторспорт, който ще вземе участие в европейските GT4 серии.
За голяма изненада на организаторите, интересът към тестовете бе много голям и участие взеха 10 пилоти, сред които някой от най-известните имена в българския моторспорт. Grigor
Участваха пилотите:
1. Мирослав Ангелов
2. Васил Жеков
3. Симеон Иванов
4. Павел Лефтеров
5. Иво Цонев
6. Калин Бенчев
7. Цветан Цеков
8. Румен Дунев
9. Григор Григоров
10. Борис Борисов
Първият ден на тестовете започна с кратък брифинг и теглене на жребия за реда на участие. Пилотите тестваха уличния вариант на SIN R1, като всеки един кара заедно с Владимир Илиев по 3 обиколки на пистата. След това участниците пристъпиха към първия етап на теста със състезателния автомобил SIN R1.
Тестовете започнаха с 5 опознавателни обиколки на пистата. При участието на всеки от пилотите, в колата беше и Росен Даскалов, който въвеждаше пилотите в тънкостите на управлението на автомобила.
Тестовете продължиха през втория ден в много ползотворна за всички страни работна среда. Резултатите от теста за организаторите са повече от положителни.
Два дни на изключително сериозно натоварване на автомобилите в усложнена метеорологична обстановка – почти през цялото време валеше дъжд и пистата беше мокра. Представянето на автомобилите от техническа гледна точка беше изключително добро.
За двата дни автомобилите и пилотите, навъртяха огромно количество километри 250 обиколки, което прави близо 800 км.
Организаторите отбелязват, че резултатите от тестовете са много важни от техническа гледна точка и показателни за възможностите и състоянието на автомобилите.
Всеки от участниците се убеди в много добрите качества на SIN R1, като думите на един от пилотите за уличния автомобил бяха: „Този автомобил има повече сцепление на мокро трасе от нашите състезателни автомобили на сухо.”
В резултат на тестовете, София Кар Моторспорт съвместно със SIN CAR получи много ясна картина за възможностите на пилотите явили се на теста, като резултатите ще се обявят на пресконференция следващата седмица, след анализ на данните от тестовете.
Както г-н Владимир Илиев каза: „Това, което се случи през тези два дни показва, че автомобилният спорт в България има бъдеще и ще надживее всички ни.”